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Become a Member

Industry-leading organizations have joined the Confidential Computing Consortium to support the development of projects securing data in use and accelerating the adoption of confidential computing through open collaboration. Members big and small are collaborating across company and country lines to ensure the success of the CCC and its projects.

Read more about the benefits of becoming a member of the CCC.

Note: To join the CCC, all members at any level must be a member of the Linux Foundation. Clicking “Join Now” will allow you to sign up for both.


$60,000 / year


$5,000-$30,000 / year


$0 / year

(pre-approved non profits, open source projects, and government entities)

The annual fee for General membership is determined according to the following table, based on your current consolidated employee headcount:

Consolidated EmployeesAnnual General Membership Fees
5,000 and above$30,000
Between 2,000 and 4,999$25,000
Between 500 and 1,999$20,000
Between 100 and 499$10,000
99 and below$5,000
Start-up - 99 and below$0 for first 12 months

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