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Does Confidential Computing work with Containers? 

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By Dan Middleton, Intel Senior Principal Engineer and Chair, CCC Technical Advisory Council

The term container can be ambiguous. Here are 3 different representations of what people might mean by a container.

The term container can be ambiguous. Here are 3 different representations of what people might mean by a container.

I’m often posed with questions about Confidential Computing and containers. Often, the question is something to the effect of, “Does Confidential Computing work with Containers?” or “Can I use Confidential Computing without redesigning my containers?” (Spoilers: Yes and Yes. But it also depends on your security and operational goals.)

The next question tends to be, “How much work will it be for me to get my containerized applications protected by Confidential Computing?” But there are a lot of variations to these questions, and it’s often not quite clear what the end goal is. Part of the confusion comes from “container” being a sort of colloquialism; it can mean a few different things depending on the context.

In Confidential Computing, we talk about the protection of data in use, in contrast with the protection of data at rest or in transit. So, if we apply the same metaphor to containers, we can see three different embodiments of what a container might mean.

In the first case, a container is simply a form of packaging, much like a Debian file or an RPM. You could think of it as a glorified zip file. It contains your application and its dependencies. This is really the only standardized definition of a container from the OCI image spec. There’s not a lot of considerations for packaging that are relevant for Confidential Computing, so this part is pretty much a no-op.

The next thing people might mean when they talk about a container is that containerized application during runtime. That container image file included an entry point which is the process that’s going to be launched. Now, that process is also pretty boring. It’s just a normal Linux process. There’s no special layer intermediating instructions like a JVM or anything like that. The thing that makes it different is that the operating system blinds the process from the rest of the system (namespacing) and can restrict its resources (cgroups). This is also referred to as sandboxing. So again, from a Confidential Computing perspective, there’s nothing different that we would do for a container process than what we would do for another process.

However, because the container image format and sandboxing have become so popular, an ecosystem has grown up around these providing orchestration. Orchestration is another term that’s used colloquially. When you want to launch a whole bunch of web applications spread across maybe a few different geographies, you don’t want to do that same task 1000 times manually. We want it to be automated. And so, I think 90% of the time, maybe 99% of the time, that people ask questions about containers and Confidential Computing, they’re wondering whether Confidential Computing is compatible with their orchestration system.

Visualizing the Control Plane and Nodes.

Administrative users operate a control plane which starts and stops containers inside nodes (which are often virtual machines). A Pod is a Kubernetes abstraction which has no operating system meaning – it is one or more containers each of which is a process.

One of the most popular orchestration systems is Kubernetes (K8s for short). Now, there are many distributions of K8s under different names, and there are many orchestration systems that have nothing to do with K8s. But given its popularity, let’s use K8s as an example to understand security considerations.

For our purposes, we’ll consider two K8s abstractions: the Control Plane and Nodes. The Control Plane is a collection of services that are used to send commands out to start, monitor, and stop containers across a fleet of nodes. Conventionally, a node is a virtual machine, and your containerized applications can be referred to as pods. From an operating system perspective, a pod is not a distinct abstraction. It’s sufficient for us to just think of a pod as one or more containers or equivalently one or more Linux processes. So, we have this control plane, which are a few services that help manage the containers that are launched across a fleet of virtual machines.

Now we can finally get into the Confidential Computing-related security considerations. If we were talking about adversary capabilities, the Control Plane has remote code execution, which is about as dangerous as an attacker can be. But is the Control Plane an adversary? What is it that we really want to isolate here, and what is it that we trust? There are any number of possible permutations, but they really collapse down to about four different patterns.

Four isolation patterns

Four isolation patterns that recognize different trust relationships with the control plane.

In the first pattern, we want to isolate our container, and we trust nothing else. In the second case, we may have multiple containers on the same node that need to work together, and so our isolation unit we could think of as a pod, but it’s more properly or more pragmatically a virtual machine. Now, in both of these cases, but especially the second, the control plane still has influence over the container and its environment, no matter how it’s isolated. To be clear, the control plane can’t directly snoop on the container in either case, but you may want to limit the amount of configuration you delegate to the the control plane.

And so, in the third case, we put the whole control plane, which means each of the control plane services, inside a Confidential Computing environment. Maybe more importantly, we operate the control plane ourselves removing the 3rd party administrator entirely. It’s commonly the case, though, that companies don’t want to operate all of the K8s infrastructure by themselves, and that’s why there are managed K8s offerings from cloud service providers. And that brings us to our last case, where we decide that we trust the CSP, and we’re just going to sort of ignore the fact that the control plane has remote code execution inside what is otherwise our isolated VM for our pods or containers.

Process and VM Isolation examples

Process and VM Isolation examples with associated open source and commercial projects.

Let’s make this a little bit more concrete with some example open-source projects and commercial offerings. The only way to actually isolate a container, which means isolating a process, is with Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) using an open-source project like Gramine or Occlum. So, if we come back to the question, “How much work do I have to do here?” there is at least a little bit of work because you’ll use these frameworks to repackage your application. You don’t have to rewrite your application, you don’t have to change its APIs, but you do need to use one of these projects to wrap your application in an enclave. This arguably gives you the most stringent protection because here you are only trusting your own application code and the Gramine or Occlum projects.

To the right, your next choice could be to isolate by pod. In practice, this means to isolate at the granularity of a virtual machine (VM). Using an open-source project like CNCF Confidential Containers (CoCo) lets you take your existing containers and use the orchestration system to target Confidential Computing hardware. CoCo can also target Intel® SGX hardware using Occlum, but more commonly CoCo is used with VM isolation capabilities through Intel® Trust Domain Extensions (Intel®TDX), AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV)*, Arm Confidential Computing Architecture (CCA)*, or eventually RISC-V CoVE*. And there’s a little bit of work here too. You don’t have to repackage your application, but you do need to use this enlightened orchestration system from CoCo (or a distribution like Red Hat OpenShift Sandbox Containers*). These systems will launch each pod in a separate confidential virtual machine. They have taken pains to limit what the control plane can do and inspect, and there is a good barrier between the CVM and the control plane. However, it is a balancing act to limit the capabilities of the control plane when those capabilities are largely why you are using orchestration to begin with.

Edgeless Systems Constellation* strikes a little different balance. If you don’t want to trust the control plane but you still want to use CSP infrastructure or some other untrusted data center, Constellation will run each control plane service in a confidential VM and then also launch your pods in confidential VMs. But operating K8s isn’t for everyone, so when it comes to how much work is involved, it depends on whether you operate k8s or not. If you don’t normally operate k8s then this would be a significant increase. There are no changes that you need to make to your applications, though, and if your company is already in the business of operating their own orchestration systems, then there’s arguably no added cost or effort here.

But for those organizations who do rely on managed services from CSPs, you can make use of confidential instances in popular CSPs such as Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)* and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)*. And this is generally very simple, like checkbox simple, but it comes with a caveat that you do trust the CSP’s control of your control plane. Google makes this explicit in some very nice documentation: (

Now, which one of these four is right for your organization depends on the things that we’ve just covered, but also a few other considerations. The user that chooses container isolation generally is one that has a security-sensitive workload where a compromise of the workload has real consequences. They might also have a multiparty workload where management of that workload by any one of those parties works against the common interests of that group.

Personas and container isolation preferences

Typically, those with security sensitive or multiparty workloads will isolate at process granularity. VM isolation can be implemented differently based on whether the control plane is trusted or not.

Users of CNCF Confidential Containers probably don’t fully trust the CSP, or they want defense in depth against the data center operator, whether that’s a CSP or their own enterprise on-prem data center. More importantly they probably only want to deploy sensitive information or a cryptographic secret, if they can assess the security state of the system. This is called a Remote Attestation. Attestation is a fun topic and one of the most exciting parts of Confidential Computing, but it can be an article unto itself. So, to keep things brief, we’ll just stick with the idea that you can make an automated runtime decision whether a system is trustworthy before deploying something sensitive.

Now let’s look at the last two personas on the right of the diagram. Users of Constellation may not trust a CSP, or they may use a multi-cloud hosting strategy where it’s more advantageous for them to operate the K8s control plane themselves anyway. For users of CSP managed K8s, the CSP does not present a risk but the user certainly wants defense in depth protections against other tenants using that same shared infrastructure. In these latter two cases, Remote Attestations may also be desired, but used in more passive ways. For example, from an auditing perspective, logging the Attestation can show compliance that an application was run with protection of data in use.

In this article, we’ve covered more than a few considerations, but certainly, each of these four patterns has more to be understood to make an informed choice when it comes to security and operational considerations. I hope that this arms you, though, with the next set of questions to go pursue that informed choice.

[Edit 3/7: Clarified control plane influence per feedback from Benny Fuhry.]

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2023 CCC Open Source Highlights

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In 2023 we focused on growing three things: our projects, ecosystem recognition, and our community.

Our technical community made great strides on each of these. Our open source project portfolio is wider and more mature. Outside of the CCC we contributed security expertise to public documents and standards organizations. As we grew to deliver these projects and papers, we maintained our emphasis on growing a positive community where everyone is welcome, and anyone can learn and contribute.


We grew projects in two vectors. First, for our existing projects we wanted to make sure they were useful and adopted. The prime example of that is Gramine moving to Graduated status as a reflection of its maturity and broad adoption.

Second, as a still young consortium we have plenty of room to add projects to address new areas or bring new approaches to existing areas. We are delighted to have made a home for new projects originating from Red Hat, Intel, VMWare/Broadcom, Samsung, and Suse. They join a portfolio originally provided by Red Hat, Microsoft, UNC, Intel, UC Berkeley, and Arm. These projects are now in an open governance setting where individuals unaffiliated with these organizations can bring their talents and contributions.

VirTEE provides tools and libraries to make development, management, and attestation of  Virtualization-based Confidential Computing easier.

Spdm-rs implements key protocols to bring devices into the Confidential Computing boundary like accelerators for AI/ML workloads.

The Certifier Framework aims to bridge across different Confidential Computing environments for one coherent application experience.

Islet broadens our portfolio from a cloud and server focus out to phones and other mobile devices.

Finally, coconut-svsm creates a secure layer under the OS to provide trusted capabilities like virtual TPMs.

Some of these projects are still on-boarding and will be listed on the CCC website soon.


One of the exciting things about Confidential Computing is that it is both developing and yet already in production. As an open source organization, we tend to focus on the development, but we also serve a role in explaining how to use it in production to solve real problems.

In 2023 we generated a number of articles in plain language about topics from attestation to homomorphic encryption. We also broadened out from our own channels to respond to government RFCs and engage other standards organizations. Our Governance, Risk, and Compliance SIG takes point on these matters and coordinates inputs from our community’s wide pool of subject matter experts. You are welcome to join us on Wednesdays.

The Attestation SIG is one of our most educational forums. This past year we made sense of a wide array of formats and attestation patterns. Our Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) discussed their attestation services and took inputs on how to evolve them to meet emerging standards while contributors from IETF, TCG, and other standards organizations shared their directions and took input on how to address requirements from hardware, software, and service vendors.  The SIG also harmonized attestation approaches for TLS. A subteam produced a spec, implemented some open-source code and got the spec adopted in the IETF.  All that in ~1 year, which by standardization time standards is quite a remarkable feat. To contribute or learn more please join us Tuesdays or make some popcorn and enjoy our youtube feed.

In our last TAC meeting of the year we ratified a new SIG. We all rely so much on the Linux kernel and yet that’s not an area where the consortium has focused. We’ll be writing up more about our plans in a separate post, but for now we’ll just note that in 2023 we recognized that engaging more with the Linux Kernel community is one of the most important things we can do to make Confidential Computing easy to adopt.


It’s said that culture is more important than any individual policy or initiative of an organization. In the CCC we have a culture of Inclusivity and of Minimum Viable Governance. One way to think about that is we prioritize our resources in ways to include everyone. In the past that has included funded internships to welcome people to our community. 2023’s incremental step was identifying conferences where we can reach communities that are underrepresented in the CCC. In some cases we became aware of a conference after a deadline and so headed into 2024 we look to build on what we learned in 2023 to reach the widest possible audience. Given the rate of growth we saw in 2023, 2024 is going to be a big year for Confidential Computing and our Consortium. We are glad to have a sound culture to grow from and the opportunity to expand to make computing more secure.

Finally, as just a teaser for one more announcement hitting the news in 2024… we closed out 2023 by hiring a Technical Community Architect. We found an excellent energetic person to help activate things for CCC maintainers, grow contributors, and help champion our projects in the open source ecosystem.

2024 is going to be great!