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Confidential Computing Consortium Logo

Governing Board (GB)

The Governing Board is responsible for the oversight of the CCC and its budget. It oversees all activities of other committees; establishes advisory bodies, committees, programs or councils to resolve any particular matter; adopts and maintains policies, rules, and procedures for the GB, committees, and projects; and approves, in addition to the TAC, new projects.

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Outreach Committee

Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee is responsible for designing, developing, and executing community outreach efforts. The Outreach Committee coordinates with the Governing Board, Technical Advisory Committee, and other community projects to maximize the outreach and visibility of the CCC’s effort to drive awareness of Confidential Computing.

The Outreach Committee meets bi-weekly on Wednesday’s at 8:00am Pacific Time.

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Technical Advisory Council Logo

Technical Advisory Council (TAC)

The TAC facilitates communication and collaboration among our community projects and serves as the technical resource arm of the CCC.  Furthermore, the TAC nurtures an overall technical vision for the community, coordinates collaboration among projects, recommends the prioritization of resources to the Budget Committee for projects; and creates, maintains and amends project lifecycle procedures and processes.

The TAC meets bi-weekly on Thursday’s at 7:00 am Pacific Time.

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Attestation SIG Logo

TAC Subcommittee: Attestation Special Interest Group (Attestation-SIG)

The Attestation SIG focuses on: the interoperability between confidential environments and confidential and non-confidential environments; how existing authentication, authorization, and identification can be enhanced with attestation; and new flows could be created to leverage attestation.

The Attestation SIG meets bi-weekly on Tuesday’s at 9:00am Pacific Time.

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Governance Risk & Compliance SIG

TAC Subcommittee: Governance Risk & Compliance Special Interest Group (GRC-SIG)

The GRC SIG focuses on:

1) connecting confidential computing development community – CSPs, hardware vendors, ISVs, and customers – with the creators of regulatory frameworks with the goal of crafting regulations around confidential computing that result in better security outcomes, and

2) creation of governance patterns that ease development, deployment and operation of confidential computing applications in ways that are compliant and secure. The GRC charter document can be accessed here.

The GRC SIG meets every week on Wednesday’s at 7:00am Pacific Time.

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Linux Kernel SIG Logo

TAC Subcommittee: Linux Kernel Special Interest Group (Linux Kernel-SIG)

The Linux Kernel SIG seeks to accelerate Confidential Computing feature velocity in the Linux kernel. By creating a working group in the CCC we foster community dialog to develop common infrastructure and approaches to increase cross architecture reuse and reduce upstream maintenance burden. The group augments but does not replace existing upstream enabling mechanisms. Decisions are still based on consensus and discussed on the Linux kernel development mailing lists. Join the mailing list for Linux Confidential Computing Development on the page or follow the link below.

The Linux Kernel SIG meets every second week at alternating times. Follow the meeting calendar link for the Schedule.

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If you have any questions about the CCC or any of its committees, please contact us at