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Exploring Enclave SDKs: Enhancing Confidential Computing

By September 16, 2024No Comments4 min read

Author:  Sal Kimmich


In the realm of confidential computing, enclave SDKs play a pivotal role in ensuring secure and private execution environments. These software development kits provide developers with the necessary tools and frameworks to build, deploy, and manage applications that operate within enclaves. In this blog, we will explore three prominent open-source enclave SDKs: Open Enclave, Keystone, and Veracruz. Additionally, we will touch upon the Certifier Framework, which, while slightly different, contributes significantly to the landscape of confidential computing.

Open Enclave

Open Enclave is a versatile SDK that provides a unified API surface for creating enclaves on various Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) such as Intel SGX and ARM TrustZone. Developed and maintained by a broad community, Open Enclave aims to simplify the development of secure applications by offering a consistent and portable interface across different hardware platforms.

Key Features of Open Enclave:

  • Cross-Platform Support: One of the standout features of Open Enclave is its ability to support multiple hardware architectures, making it a flexible choice for developers working in diverse environments.
  • Rich Documentation and Community Support: Open Enclave boasts extensive documentation and a supportive community, providing ample resources for developers to learn and troubleshoot.
  • Comprehensive Security Measures: The SDK incorporates robust security features, including memory encryption, attestation, and secure storage, ensuring that applications remain secure and tamper-resistant.


Keystone is an open-source framework designed to provide secure enclaves on RISC-V architecture. It is highly modular and customizable, allowing developers to tailor the security features to meet the specific needs of their applications.

Key Features of Keystone:

  • Modularity: Keystone’s design philosophy revolves around modularity, enabling developers to customize the enclave’s components, such as the security monitor, runtime, and drivers.
  • RISC-V Architecture: Keystone is built specifically for the RISC-V architecture, leveraging its open and extensible nature to offer a unique and highly configurable enclave solution.
  • Research and Innovation: Keystone is often used in academic and research settings, driving innovation in the field of confidential computing and providing a platform for experimental security enhancements.


Veracruz is an open-source project that aims to create a collaborative computing environment where multiple parties can jointly compute over shared data without compromising privacy. It emphasizes data confidentiality and integrity, making it ideal for scenarios involving sensitive data.

Key Features of Veracruz:

  • Collaborative Computing: Veracruz enables secure multi-party computation, allowing different stakeholders to collaborate on computations without revealing their individual data.
  • Privacy-Preserving: The framework ensures that data remains confidential throughout the computation process, leveraging TEEs to provide strong privacy guarantees.
  • Flexible Deployment: Veracruz supports various deployment models, including cloud, edge, and on-premises, making it adaptable to different use cases and environments.

Certifier Framework: A Slightly Different Approach

While the Certifier Framework for Confidential Computing shares the goal of enhancing security and privacy in computational environments, it adopts a distinct approach compared to traditional enclave SDKs.

Certifier Framework focuses on providing a unified certification and attestation infrastructure for confidential computing environments. It aims to ensure that the software and hardware components in a system can be securely attested and certified, providing trust guarantees to end-users and applications.

Key Features of the Certifier Framework:

  • Certification and Attestation: The primary focus of the Certifier Framework is on certification and attestation, ensuring that all components of a confidential computing environment meet stringent security standards.
  • Unified Approach: The framework offers a unified approach to certification across different TEEs, simplifying the process of establishing trust in diverse environments.
  • Integration with Existing Solutions: The Certifier Framework can be integrated with other enclave SDKs and confidential computing solutions, enhancing their security posture through robust certification mechanisms.


Enclave SDKs like Open Enclave, Keystone, and Veracruz are critical tools for developers aiming to build secure and private applications in the realm of confidential computing. Each of these projects brings unique strengths and features to the table, catering to different hardware architectures and use cases. Meanwhile, the Certifier Framework provides an essential layer of trust and certification, complementing these SDKs and ensuring that confidential computing environments meet the highest security standards. By leveraging these powerful tools, developers can create innovative solutions that protect sensitive data and maintain user privacy in an increasingly digital world.

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