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Hushmesh: Building a Secure Future with Confidential Computing

By July 30, 2024No Comments3 min read

Author: Manu Fontaine

At Hushmesh, a U.S.-based Public Benefit cybersecurity startup, we see Confidential Computing as a foundational technology for all things digital, paving the way for an inherently secure and private Internet. Imagine a future where Confidential Computing underpins a “universal zero trust” model at the chip level, whereby privacy and security are built into our digital infrastructure instead of bolted on.

Traditionally, data security and privacy are bolted on after the fact with a patchwork of point-solutions on top of an insecure infrastructure. However, with Confidential Computing, these critical  elements can become inherent to the infrastructure, automated  directly at the chip level without human intervention.

Our vision at Hushmesh is to utilize Confidential Computing to build the Mesh, a global information space and infrastructure, like the Web, but with automated end-to-end cryptographic security and privacy built in for everything and everyone. As Hushmesh CEO Manu Fontaine puts it, “Confidential Computing is the necessary technology to deliver digital peace of mind at internet scale. The Mesh is the definitive solution to identity theft, data breaches, fakes, and fraud.”

The potential of Confidential Computing extends beyond what is currently imaginable. By embedding security into the very fabric of our digital infrastructure, we aim to eliminate the vulnerabilities that threaten our digital lives, and to move towards a future where trust is inherent, not an afterthought. The need for this transformation is urgent, and we must act now to secure our digital future.

Confidential Computing is not just a technological advancement but a paradigm shift. It challenges us to rethink how we approach security and privacy for the next phase of the digital age, pushing us towards an inherently secure and trustworthy Internet for everyone. At Hushmesh, we are excited to be at the forefront of this revolution, working towards a future where Confidential Computing is ubiquitous. Without Confidential Computing, universal zero trust is simply not possible.

Join us on this journey to redefine digital security and privacy with Confidential Computing. Together, we can shape a future where our digital lives are secure and private, where trust is inherent, not an afterthought. Your participation is crucial in this collective effort to make the Internet what we all need it to be.

Read The Case for Confidential report here.

Manu Fontaine is the Founder and CEO of Hushmesh, the public benefit corporation developing and operating the Mesh. You can think of the Mesh as a global information space, like the Web, but with universal zero trust built in. Secured by the Universal Name System (UNS) and Universal Certificate Authority (UCA), the Mesh delivers what the Web never could: the global assurance of provenance, integrity, authenticity, reputation, confidentiality, and privacy for all bits within it, be they code or data, at internet scale. The Mesh is the definitive solution to identity theft, data breaches, fakes, and fraud. Hushmesh is developing privacy-preserving wallet and verifier Mesh agents for DHS SVIP, alongside secure “meshaging” for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (NATO DIANA) Secure Information Sharing Challenge.

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